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丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Nyhavn 新港
Denmark Copenhagen Copenhagen - Nyhavn Newport

We often hear people say “Denmark is the happiest country on Earth,” and this time we visited Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Once known as the “Paris of Northern Europe,” Copenhagen is Denmark's largest port and is close to Sweden, so you can travel between the two places by train. The houses here are colourful, and you can feel the lively atmosphere as soon as you walk in. We've combined a four-day, three-night itinerary to explore the secrets of joy with everyone. On the first day, we focused on the sights of central Copenhagen.

👀 Day 1 Copenhagen City Center Itinerary Overview (Google Map, please clickhere)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen DAY 1 行程概覽
Copenhagen, Denmark — Day 1 Itinerary Overview

The Little Mermaid Statue → Gefion Fountain Gefion Fountain → St Alban's Church St Alban's Church → Frederik's Church Frederick's Church → Amalienborg Palace → Nyhavn Nyhavn → Strøget Strøget Shopping Street → Torvehallerne Market

📍The Little Mermaid

💡 Location: Østerport station - 14 minute walk (map requestClick here)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen The Little Mermaid 小美人魚雕像
Copenhagen, Denmark — The Little Mermaid Statue

The Little Mermaid Statue is located on the harbor rock in Changdike Park. The mermaid sitting on its side faces the harbor. It is one of the familiar sights in Copenhagen. The origin of the statue comes from the son of the founder of the famous beer brand Carlsberg. Because of his fascination with fairy tales, he commissioned a sculptor to sculpt this mermaid statue using Andersen's fairy tales as a blueprint. As one of Denmark's important attractions, the statue has been deliberately vandalized and masked with religious symbols many times. As a result, the statue has now been maintained and repaired many times.

📍 Gefion Fountain

💡 Location: Marmorkirken station - 10 minute walk/5 minute walk from Little Mermaid (map requestClick here)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Gefion Fountain 吉菲昂噴泉
Copenhagen, Denmark — Gefion Fountain

The Giffion Fountain is located next to Jangsekai Park and is the largest fountain in Copenhagen. The sculpture in the fountain is a story from Nordic mythology - Goddess Ghiffeon with her four sons. Legend has it that King Golfer of Sweden promised to have Ghiffion excavate land in Sweden, but only for one night. As a result, Giffion turned her four sons into cows, dug up the land and moved them to the sea, forming Denmark's largest island, Zealand. When we visited, the fountain was not in operation, so I can only believe that the entire fountain will be spectacular.

📍 St Alban's Church

💡 Location: Marmorkirken station - 10 minute walk/1 minute walk from Gefion Fountain (map requestClick here)
💡 Official website:https://www.st-albans.dk
💡 Opening hours: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Mon - Fri), 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Sun)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen St Alban’s Church 聖阿爾班教堂
Copenhagen, Denmark — St Alban's Church St Alban's Church

St. Alban's Church is located next to the Gefion Fountain and was built in the 19th century. Since many British people came to Copenhagen at the time, an Anglican church originating from the Church of England was built here as a European diocese of the Anglican Church. Therefore, the style of this building is different from other Danish buildings, showing the traditional English Gothic Revival style.

📍 Frederick's Church

💡 Location: Marmorkirken station - 4 minute walk/2 minute walk from Amalienborg (map requestClick here)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Frederik’s Church 腓特列教堂
Copenhagen, Denmark — Frederik's Church Frederick's Church

Frederikshavn was completed in the 18th century to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the ascension of the Oldenburg dynasty to the Danish throne. The church's 31-metre dome is the fourth largest in Europe, and is spectacular from a distance. “Only the Lord's story lasts forever” on the pillar. Derived from the book of 1 Peter in the Bible. The construction of the church was abandoned for 150 years due to budget cuts at the time, and it took up to 150 years to complete the plan.

📍 Amalienborg Palace

💡 Location: Marmorkirken station - 4 minute walk/7 minute walk from St Alban's Church (map requestClick here)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Amalienborg 阿馬林堡皇宮
Copenhagen, Denmark — Amalienborg Amalienborg Palace

The Amalienborg Palace is located right in front of the Frederick Church and is the winter palace of the Danish royal family. The Imperial Palace has four palaces, and the equestrian sculpture in the center is Frederick V, who built it, which is very representative.

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Amalienborg 阿馬林堡皇宮 衛兵
Copenhagen, Denmark — Amalienborg Amalienborg Palace Guards

There are guard posts in front of the four palaces, standing silently on their own posts. And we just happened to see them hand over, and they were both at the same pace and were very professional. If you want to watch the official handover ceremony of the guards, you'll have to be there at noon!

📍 Nyhavn Newport

💡 Location: Kongens Nytorv station - 7 minute walk/10 minute walk from Frederik's (map requestClick here)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Nyhavn 新港
Copenhagen, Denmark — Nyhavn New Port

Whenever you think of Copenhagen, you'll be reminded of the colourful riverside architecture. The new port used to be a port for ships from various countries to call, hoping to promote local economic development. Now, this is a popular attraction in Copenhagen, allowing visitors to take pictures and cruise. The iconic background is perfect for taking pictures! Even though we visited during the winter, almost no one was cruising.

📍 Strøget Shopping Street

💡 Location: Rådhuspladsen station - 10 minute walk/10 minute walk from Nyhavn (map requestClick here)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Strøget 斯楚格購物街
Copenhagen, Denmark — Strøget shopping street

Strug Shopping Street is the longest shopping street in Europe, with a total length of 1.1 km. In addition to various European brands, there are souvenir shops, department stores, cafes, etc. The end of one side of the shopping street is Town Hall Square, and the Round Tower is also in the center of the shopping street, so it is a popular attraction in Copenhagen all year round.

📍 Torvehallerne Market

💡 Location: Nørreport station - 1 minute walk/10 minute walk from Strøget (map requestClick here)
💡 Official website:http://torvehallernekbh.dk
💡 Opening hours: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Mon - Thu)/8:00 PM (Fri)/6:00 PM (Sat - Sun)

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Torvehallerne Market
Copenhagen, Denmark — Torvehallerne Market

Torvehallerne Market is a traditional Danish market. It has two buildings and sells wet cooked food and dry goods separately. There are a total of about 60 different stores here, so you can find famous Copenhagen cuisine or take a break at one of the cafes inside. In addition, they also sell fresh seafood, meat, fruit, cheese, fresh flowers, etc.

丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Torvehallerne Market
丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Torvehallerne Market
丹麥 哥本哈根 Copenhagen Torvehallerne Market

The inside of the market is just very clear, so you know what kind of stores are in the area. On weekdays, there are relatively few restaurants that display seafood in Europe, which is very interesting. If you like seafood, you can also try fresh oysters right away!

The first day's itinerary was mainly to explore the city's surroundings and experience the bustle and convenient transportation of the city center. On the second day, we will visit several famous attractions, including a historic European amusement park and an observation deck with a beautiful view of the city. You can check out the full description of the tripThis travelogy.